FTP account not working on GoDaddy

I recently had hard time setting up a FTP account for a website on GoDaddy and after struggling for many hours, I finally found that there is a mistake on the cPanel FTP settings. When we create a FTP account, cPanel gives us a FTP server parameter that doesn’t work, something like ftp.mywebsite.com If you FTP account not working on GoDaddy

Adobe Captivate keeps asking for serial number even though I bought a subscription

Adobe Captivate is not part of the creative suite licence. You need to have a separate subscription that applies to Captivate itself. After buying one, I came with the bad surprise that Captivate was still asking for a serial number and was still counting remaining days before my trial version expired. It was very bad Adobe Captivate keeps asking for serial number even though I bought a subscription

Webdesign : page l’équipe

En faisant des recherches sur la conception de pages “l’équipe” pour un site internet, je suis tombé sur celle de l’agence Lateral. Très amusante et originale, les employés de l’agence suivent la souris lors du survol de la page.   Voir la page

Petit oiseau

Atelier de création composé du duo de directeurs artistiques Virginie Sala et Thomas Desgrippes

Electro code

S’amuser à faire des éclairs en JS en utilisant le bruit simplex (simplex noise qui sonne quand même bien mieux en anglais) . Voir l’animation   


Un peu de nostalgie avec Zenit, marque d’appareils photos soviétiques du siècle dernier. Le boîtier pesait une tonne mais c’était un appareil tout terrain qui ne craignait pas les coups. ZENIT TTL by Lisa on Sketchfab

Using parcel-plugin-custom-dist-structure with parcel

When building with Parcel, all the files are bundled and share the same root folder: dist |- index.html |- index.5243.css |- index.5243.css.map |- index.5243.js |- index.5243.js.map Fortunately, the plugin parcel-plugin-custom-dist-structure lets you generate the structure you want for you build. Once installed, you just have to configure the plugin settings in package.json. For example: “customDistStructure”: Using parcel-plugin-custom-dist-structure with parcel

Woocommerce membership plugin : include custom field in admin search

I had a hard time finding how to add custom field to admin search under woocommerce > members list. The woocommerce membership plugin is in fact using the ‘posts_clauses’ filter to filter the search result. So to add custom fields, here is the code I use :   function advanced_admin_custom_search($pieces, WP_Query $wp_query) { global $wpdb; Woocommerce membership plugin : include custom field in admin search